Best Septic Tank Treatment
Advanced Formula: Bio-Tab is a highly concentrated tablet of bacteria (both aerobic and anaerobic) and enzymes that act as a biological activator for septic tanks. In short, Bio-Tab helps septic systems work like they were intended.

Easy-to-Use: Unlike most competitors’ dusty powders or messy liquids, Bio-Tab is in an easy to use tablet form. There's also a handy tracking sticker on the top of each bottle to track the tablets used per month. Professionally packaged in a small jar (one jar contains a full year's supply), you can easily store Bio-Tab without fear of spilling harsh chemicals in your home.

Safe: Composed by organisms deemed safe by the EPA, Bio-Tab is non-toxic to humans and animals. It is a non-corrosive and non-poisonous product that will not harm plumbing or septic systems.

The Bio-Tab concept has been designed with you in mind. The combination of tablet form and technologically advanced chemistry assures you of consistent product performance and dosage. These concentrated, time release tablets allow you to easily treat your septic system without the inconvenience of messy liquids or dusty powders.

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